Seagull Outboard Motor information for identification, maintenance, spare parts

Welcome to this information page about British Seagull, the best outboard motor for the world. Follow the links for more information.

British Seagull "The Best Outboard Motor for the World" (PDF)
British Seagull Model Identification (PDF)
British Seagull "Nostalgia"
Why buy a British Seagull? (PDF)
Operating British Seagull engines under cold conditions (PDF)
British Seagull Outboard Motors and todays emissions standards (PDF)
British Seagull photo gallery
British Seagull tech gallery 1
British Seagull tech gallery 2
Magnus Carlsson photo gallery
Mathias Hedström photo gallery
Saimon Persson photo gallery
Scanned folders of old outboard engines.
(British Seagull, British Anzani, Penta, Evinrude, Motogodille, Waterman, Wisconsin, Wright Boat Motor, Invincible)
Our new site on Swedish Outboard Engines
Links to other seagull sites around the world